Are you an employer with 5 or more employees?
Did you know as of December 31, 2020, you are now required by the California Fair Employment and Housing Act law to have provided sexual harassment prevention training to all workers?
Senate Bill 778 (2019), amendment to SB 1343 (2018) required that all employers of five (5) or more employees must provide sexual harassment and abusive conduct prevention training to employees. This new bill amends SB 1343, which required training for employers with fifty (50) or more employees.
Key Items on the Amendment:
- Lower Threshold to 5 or more employees.
- December 31, 2020 is the date to meet this requirement as an urgency statute. The DFEA offers a FREE online video training (see first resource link below) if you need to meet this requirement now.
- The bill would require new nonsupervisory employees to be provided the training within 6 months of hire and new supervisory employees to be provided the training within 6 months of the assumption of a supervisory position.
- The bill would also specify that an employer who has provided this training and education in 2019, is not required to provide it again until 2 years thereafter. If you previous met the prior 2019 deadline (AB 3369), your next scheduled training would be during 2021.
Under this law, management/supervisor employees are required to complete two (2) hours of training, while non-management employees are to complete one (1) hour. Training courses must also be refreshed every two years.
In addition, employers are also required to take steps further by distributing resources, post & distribute employment posters & pamphlets, develop a harassment, discrimination & retaliation prevention policy, etc. Please review the resources below to ensure your business complies and aligns with the new requirements
If you are looking for a solution to track your training compliance requirements and reminders – our WebHR module can meet your needs. Contact us for more information at (707) 586-4303 or
DFEH – Sexual Harassment Resources
DFEH – Sexual Harassment Fact Sheet
SHRM – Sexual Harassment Resources
CalChamber – Sexual Harassment Courses ($)
Disclaimer: These materials are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended as legal or tax advice. Readers of the Innovative Blog should contact their legal or tax professionals to discuss how these matters relate to their individual circumstances.